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Image City




John Solberg

I grew up in the Midwest, son of parents who appreciated beauty, curiosity, excellence and the creative process – values which continue to inform my life.   But neither had an inclination for technology or the physical sciences, so, perhaps as a form of rebellion unaware, I found my way into physics and eventually joined Eastman Kodak as an exploratory researcher.   It was there that photography and the underlying technology became vehicles for living out the values I had learned.  

 My Kodak career path followed my curiosity – from physics, chemistry and engineering to organization development and cross-cultural education and training.  Upon leaving Kodak, I spent four years in southern Mexico, working with a marginalized community organizing a micro-credit cooperative.   I returned to the land of four seasons and began building a life together with my wife, Louise, in our home on Lake Ontario.

There is a saying that we build the road by walking – that the path that we leave behind us is often different from the path that we had planned.   The road is built as we go, always in the present moment.   This has certainly been verified in my life, and it has been my experience with my photography.   Wherever I’ve gone, a camera has been over my shoulder, and the beauty and wonder of nature, the shapes, shadows and patterns capture my attention and lead the way.  

My photographic work, then, is a kind of journal, documenting the beauty of road taken – an exploration of nature’s details, land- and cityscapes, lake and sky, and (of course) children and grandchildren.   I capture images with the Canon 10D, prepare the images for printing in PhotoShop and print on an Epson 2200 with archival inks.


 Image City Photography Gallery  ♦   722 University Avenue  ♦   Rochester, NY 14607 ♦ 585.271.2540
In the heart of ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts