Gallery Photographers
If you are unable to visit our gallery and would like to purchase photographs from this preview or others in the gallery, please contact the gallery and call 585-271-2540. |
Partners' Picks of the Show Through the Student Lens 2021 Gallery Partners have chosen our "Picks of the Show" bv Guest Photographers click here to return to the details of the exhibit
All images copyright by the individual photographers
Cooper's Hawk Clyde continues this month as a Visiting Artist
to the Gallery. This month he returns to his beautify composed
"nature" photography, capturing much more than just recording what
different animals and birds look like. It is an amazing image. It has mystical/magical
characteristics, displaying this beautiful bird in flight, capturing
the critical moment in its wings position. It is not just
positioned in the center of the photograph but moving from left to
right against a blurred background the forest. This focuses
the viewer's attention on the bird. The twigs in the bottom
the photo balance the entire image.....providing three
planes of composition (front, middle and background). The white snowflakes integrate the
photograph....they are appear almost as individual points of magical
light, a wonderland that our Hawk moves through with its ease. With the almost monochromatic coloring , the
Hawk has an amazing chiaroscuro plumage, Clyde sets it against
a minimally saturated background and then introduces some color in
the foreground. It appears as if the bird is flying by the
viewer, on way to a rendezvous with a mate, a meal or something
else. A wonderful photograph that one can enjoy for many years
to come! Whirligig Geyser @ Biscuit Basin
Phyllis’s abstract photographs are a conscious
effort to capture the varying thermal features create colors,
layers, textures and patterns that continually transform. Whirligig was so named because when it erupts
the water swirls in its crater while its rhythmic sound can be heard
around the basin. The iron oxide deposits around Little Whirligig
make it one of the most colorful features in the Basin Phyllis appropriately oriented the camera in a
portrait or vertical position to accentuate what appears as a
coastline of the geyser. She captured it in perfect light, likely
early or later in the day that highlight the shadows and creates a
three-dimensional effect to the photo. The bright midday sun would
have been harsher and lacking the shadows which are Phyliss’s
friend. The diagonal composition is also important creating pleasing
triangles throughout as well as leading lines that assist the eye to
view the photo. In a beautiful collection of abstracts,
Whirligig Geyser stands out for its muted color palette and its
three-dimensional feel. Thank you, Phyllis, for sharing your peak
into the other world of Yellowstone National Park.
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Image City Photography Gallery ♦ 722 University Avenue ♦ Rochester, NY 14607 ♦ 585.271.2540 In the heart of ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts |