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Image City is a participating gallery with First Friday Rochester. Click Here for details.



Red Show Card 

Friday, February 21, 5-8:30pm
Saturday, February 22, 1 - 4pm
First Friday Gallery Night March 7, 5-9pm

Photographers Participating in Red

Jason AbelDennis AdamsJane Adams
Carole AgostoRonald AndrewsMichael Barnard
Dick BeeryPerter BilousDavid BleichLori Bonati
Jennifer CasasantaLisa CookChristopher Cummings
Steve DentWade EatonJohn EjaifeBruce Elling
James FefesJohn FleckensteinSteven GallEric Granger
Flinn HackettLyn HarrisMike Haugh
Christopher HickeyBryn HugginsGerard Iuppa
Walter JakubowskiRobert JaniszewskiLynne Dennis Joslin
Sharon Kaplan Paul B. Karas, Sr
Ken Kassel
Renee KendrotRheytchul KimmelLaurie Knapp
Elisa Knataitis
Tom KnaussJohn Kosboth
Elena Mickie LaPlacaDevin Mack I. Marianetti
Kenneth MasonReaghan McCannKenneth Milliman
Mike MolaireDebbie NawoczenskiMike Nyerges
Dan OleanSandi OsterwiseShawn Passmore
Ralph PenninoLoretta Petralis
Bob Pierce
Martha PriceMichael F. PutortiStephen Rossini
Susan RudyMichael ShoemakerMichael Silbert
Patty SingerAndy SmithSusan Snyder Spinelli
Jeffrey L. SteinFred Stossd dargan teska
Loni TitusKatharine TorgersenSteve Tryon
Luke Viggiani
Katherine Vollmer (1999-2019)
Ashley WeberRobert Welch
Abby WestermanGrace Westerman
Robert WestfallLesley Weston
Jonathan WhiteAndrew Wohl


In the Neuberger Gallery
Lisa Courtney Holmes

Visiting Artist
Tom Knauss

Select Images by
Camera Rochester Photographers

Dennis Adams, Lisa Cook
Joe Jech, Jeff Stein

Gallery Partners
Dick Bennett, Marie Costanza, Nicholas Jospe
Steve Levinson, Gil Maker, Don Menges
Luann Pero, Sheridan Vincent


Click Here to see a Preview Gallery of the Show


Gallery Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday noon - 6pm
Sunday noon - 4pm

There is no admission fee at Image City


Committed to Photography
Since 2005



Image City Photography Gallery  ♦   722 University Avenue  ♦   Rochester, NY 14607 
In the heart of ARTWalk in the Neighborhood of the Arts