Join us on Image City is a participating gallery with First Friday Rochester. Click Here for details. |
Receptions ●Carole Agosto●Ronald Andrews●Michael Barnard ●Dick Beery●Perter Bilous●David Bleich●Lori Bonati ●Jennifer Casasanta●Lisa Cook●Christopher Cummings ●Steve Dent●Wade Eaton●John Ejaife●Bruce Elling ●James Fefes●John Fleckenstein●Steven Gall●Eric Granger ●Flinn Hackett●Lyn Harris●Mike Haugh ●Christopher Hickey●Bryn Huggins●Gerard Iuppa ●Walter Jakubowski●Robert Janiszewski●Lynne Dennis Joslin ●Sharon Kaplan ●Paul B. Karas, Sr●Ken Kassel ●Renee Kendrot●Rheytchul Kimmel●Laurie Knapp ●Elisa Knataitis●Tom Knauss●John Kosboth ●Elena Mickie LaPlaca●Devin Mack● I. Marianetti ●Kenneth Mason●Reaghan McCann●Kenneth Milliman ●Mike Molaire●Debbie Nawoczenski●Mike Nyerges ●Dan Olean●Sandi Osterwise●Shawn Passmore ●Ralph Pennino●Loretta Petralis●Bob Pierce ●Martha Price●Michael F. Putorti●Stephen Rossini ●Susan Rudy●Michael Shoemaker●Michael Silbert ●Patty Singer●Andy Smith●Susan Snyder Spinelli ●Jeffrey L. Stein●Fred Stoss●d dargan teska ●Loni Titus●Katharine Torgersen●Steve Tryon ●Luke Viggiani●Katherine Vollmer (1999-2019) ●Ashley Weber●Robert Welch ●Abby Westerman●Grace Westerman ●Robert Westfall●Lesley Weston ●Jonathan White●Andrew Wohl
In the Neuberger Gallery
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Gallery Hours:
Committed to Photography
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Image City Photography Gallery ♦ 722 University Avenue
♦ Rochester, NY 14607 |